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Creating value for all our stakeholders by entering into partnerships with NGOs is, to us, the most enduring measure of business success. Towards this vision, we have evolved a comprehensive strategy that funnels resources into the Social Sector, Education, the Environment and Stakeholder Relations, all executed through institutionalized processes. Through support to and partnerships with several NGOs, we have steadily discharged social responsibilities in the areas of disability, children, crafts, arts, heritage conservation, education and comprehensive rural development for self-sustained growth. Projects and partner NGOs are chosen annually and funds are driven in to facilitate asset creation and capacity building. On having completed the objectives of the partnership and in turn, fulfilled a goal that we had set out to achieve, we redirect our attention to other organizations in need. We have in 2005 institutionalized our support further through a more focused and structured exercise in our Social Sector Initiatives Program targeting disabled, children and women. With a view to inspire our stakeholders and focus our efforts even further, we put out our first report in 2006-07 titled, 'Living Responsibly' sharing the work done and underway.

"The report and the initiatives are representative of values that are dear to the Paul Family and part of Apeejay’ s tradition and heritage over the past many decades. The conviction that we will have a positive role to play in our community - local and global - inspires us. I know that we can do much more and our efforts seem just drops in the ocean. It is my endeavor and commitment as Chairman of Apeejay Surrendra to allocate more resources and take up projects focused on things that we find meaningful and have a lasting impact," Mr Karan Paul (an excerpt from Chairman’s message in ‘Living Responsibly’ report.)

NGO Partnerships

To view all the NGOs and not-for-profits we have worked with, please click here. . . .