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The Group has a long tradition of supporting philanthropic and charitable work. Our Founders treated wealth as an asset in their trust for the community. They were committed to driving the engines of our fledging independent nation and various Apeejay Trusts were incorporated to actively participate in fostering social change in keeping with the demands of a growing nation. These trusts were funded from the various group companies as well as from internal accruals and continue to work hard at their incorporation goals. In the hands of the new generation of the Paul family, this legacy lives on with Apeejay Trusts funding sustainable solutions in many areas through which, Group and its companies help people and communities gain better control over their choices and their futures.

The Apeejay Trust [Est. 1974], the Apeejay Education Association [Est. 1984], the Apeejay Education Trust [Est. 1977], Ambika Charitable Trust [Est. 1973], Anand Welfare Trust [Est. 1990] have made notable investments over the years in Capacity Building of NGOs and CSOs, creating & supporting knowledge institutions, funding sustainability initiatives & innovations to balance economic growth and ecological concern, encouraging practice of and focus on sustainability in daily business operations, funding various city and national level cultural and learning platforms, funding to preserve and encourage Indian Art, Culture and Architectural Heritage, helping disabled, children and women in need and towards embedding the value of Living Responsibly in employees.

Please visit Apeejay Education section for an overview of notable investments in creating knowledge institutions and supporting aspirations of deserving candidates.
Please visit the Corporate Citizenship section for more on all Community Initiatives.


Moon Moon Seal
General Manager
15 Park Street, Kolkata 700016
T: +91 33 4403 5665
