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In 1967, the Beatles released Sgt. Pepper’s. RK Narayan explored modernity in the Vendor of Sweets. And In the City of Joy, The Park opened its doors as India’s first luxury Boutique hotel. It took its name from the eponymous street in downtown Kolkata.

Today, The Park, Pioneers of luxury Boutique hotels for over 50 years, is present in India’s major cities and tourist destinations.

Each hotel is unique, a distinctive interpretation of contemporary India that gives guests an experience that is Anything But Ordinary.

Situated in prime locations, the hotels house some of India’s most happening nightclubs, liveliest bars and inventive restaurants.

The Park is also home to the Aura Spa, a much-vaunted rejuvenation venue.

Paintings, sculptures and installations adorn rooms and corridors, and the design-driven aesthetic can be felt across the hotels

Luxury that fulfils and delights. Innovation that energises and refreshes. A hospitality experience sprinkled with the unusual and the memorable. So that no matter where life takes you next, you take a part of The Park with you.


Yazad Marfatia
Area Director, National Sales
Apeejay House, 3 Dinshaw Vachha Road, Mumbai 400 020
T:  +91 22 6636 4427/ 28, 2282 6955


Ruchika Mehta
Corporate Director | Communications & Public Relations
