It has come to our attention that certain agencies/individuals may be contacting job seekers or advertising in social media offering fake employment in companies of Apeejay Surrendra Group against a payment or service charge in order to process the application. The agencies/individuals might even be sending or issuing appointment letters on fake company letterhead or through fake company email id.
Please Note:
Any and all companies of Apeejay Surrendra Group (hereinafter referred to as We) do not authorise any agency/individuals to issue offers of employment on its behalf. We do not charge any of the job seekers any money for giving employment offers or even processing employment.
Anyone dealing with such agencies or individuals shall be doing so at their own risk and We will not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage suffered directly or indirectly
Should you come across any such fraudulent incident or have any information regarding the same, please assist us in taking appropriate action by reporting the incident to Corporate HRD at mobile number +91 90070 25414 or through email at corporatehrd@apeejaygroup.com
Last updated on: 10/09/2019