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The Apeejay Surrendra family roots have spread from Jalandhar, Punjab to geographies across the globe. The family has grown from a 100 people in 1910 to embrace over 43,000 today. We crossed our 100-year milestone in 2010 and celebrated it in a unique way.

"This generation of leadership has as its mandate globalization of the Apeejay Surrendra brand and a focused execution of the Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility. Today, we witness India’s ascendancy to a position of global pre-eminence. While business has been the key beneficiary of the nation’s economic upswing, prosperity is yet to reach all its people. We recognise that it is the responsibility of businesses like ours to lead the way and give back in ample measure. From the welfare of our co-workers, their dependents and the communities within which we operate… to education, health and empowerment of women, children and the disabled; becoming active partners for positive change is an integral part of our Centenary goals." - Mrs Shirin Paul (an excerpt from Chairperson Emeritus’s message in the Centenary Book published in 2009 that laid down the intent)

A 100 Community projects to celebrate a 100 years of Products and Services was planned spread across education, environment, art & culture, capacity building of institutions especially those that help the differently abled and focused on physical and mental health of children and women. Projects that promoted professional growth and personal well-being of our employees were created along with sustainable and well-funded cultural platforms created in cities where our businesses flourish.

“For all of us at the Apeejay Surrendra Group, crossing the 100-year milestone was a big reason to celebrate. We wanted to commemorate this landmark year in significant and meaningful ways. The idea that emerged from across our people was to dedicate our Centennial to championing and fulfilling 100 social initiatives, through which we could empower and celebrate the communities that we work within”.- Mr Karan Paul, Mrs Shirin Paul, Ms Priya Paul, Ms Priti Paul
(an excerpt from message from the family in the 100Community Projects Compendium published in 2012-2013 to celebrate the target achievement )

"The Apeejay Surrendra Group traces its entrepreneurial origins to the year 1910 and completed 100 years of operation in the year 2010. Over these decades the narrative has had many twists and turns but the one true core has been our commitment to social, environmental and economic sustainability. In this recent period of significant economic turbulence when many businesses were forced to rethink and reshape their capacity to contribute to the broader community, Apeejay Surrendra Group became more determined than ever to align its financial success with responsible global citizenship. Our commitment to creating an equitable society and sustainable business was corner stoned by celebrating our 100 year-milestone as a successful Business House with the initiative to undertake 100 Community projects." - Mr Karan Paul
(an excerpt from the Chairman’s message of 2013 to all Partners)

100 : Milestones and Interconnections of Social Initiatives.
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