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At Apeejay Surrendra Group, the happiness of each employee matters and therefore, we strive to create positive workplaces where employees can do their best work. We believe in an open, honest and professional work ethic that is respectful and rewarding for all, irrespective of their age, gender and personal beliefs.

We want employees to achieve their career goals and be able to maintain a healthy balance between Life Work Balance. Diversity is an essential component of the culture at Apeejay. Building diversity and inclusion into the way we operate around the globe continues to be an essential part of our business and our culture.

Investment in innovative Management Development Programmes towards building careers paths is well-planned and well-funded. We have in place a cohesive, structured form of employee engagement and robust internal communication channels to attract and retain outstanding talent. Employees have been added to the Group CSR force by creating an Individual Social Responsibility™ (ISR™) policy. Under ISR™, employees are permitted to volunteer their working hours for social service or give their core competencies as free of charge support to NGOs. Volunteering hours are mapped and recognized as a performance parameter.

At Apeejay Surrendra Group, we have always believed in urging women to come to the forefront and empowered them at our hotels, tea plantations, on shore shipping offices, retail businesses, real estate offices and Group’s Shared Services to do so. The equality in terms of opportunity is evident in our operations where women are key decision makers and we have found them to be one of the key differentiators in various stages of decision-making. The Group has been able to create an enabling environment which fosters respect for multiple roles that our female employees play and have incorporated some of the most progressive women related HR policies, for example focusing on continuously making the effort to make the work place more conducive and acceptable to new mothers through best practices which will be comforting for the dual role they play.

The Group’s HRD has created a cohesive and structured form of employee engagement that helps is creating value for the employees. Events such as Annual Picnic, Fun Family months and festivals like Holi & Diwali are celebrated with passion and merriment and attended by the top management and even the Chairman. On regular basis, health and fitness programs are organized for the benefit of the employees.