We believe that in an organisation, the small gestures of goodwill between colleagues go a long way in creating a workplace full of positive energy, which in turn helps employees work together – as a team, as a company and even as a Group. In an effort to nurture a work environment where co–workers feel appreciated and valued, we started a programme in 2010 that would help employees to recognize and appreciate acts of cooperation, empathy and support from their colleagues. The initiative was called, "Say Thank You" and employees were encouraged to recognize the gestures that mostly go unnoticed and verbalize a "Thank You" for them. Each "Thank You" was accompanied by a gift that we would deliver to the doer of the kind deed on behalf of the recipient of the kindness.

Employees could choose from an array of complimentary gifts that we had displayed online and these gifts accompanied the ´Thank You´ note.

The ´Say Thank You´ programme that was implemented across the Group companies was successful in fostering the culture of happiness at work. It was distinct from the domain of formal recognitions and created opportunities for informal, peer group bonding, mutual respect and solidarity.