Child labour is reprehensible. We believe it is everybody´s responsibility to boycott it and provide victims of child labour with the avenues to better their lives, so that they do not ever have to slip back into the cycle of exploitation. We believe that one of the most empowering tools for the victims is education.

Education gives them the awareness, the confidence and the skills that they need to cast off the yoke of exploitation. We also believe that every victim who breaks the cycle should be held up as a role model to inspire others to break free.

We held a felicitation function in 2010 for 13 to 14 year-old children who had been freed from child labour and had then gone on to successfully complete their matriculation. The felicitation recognised the great effort that had been made by each of the nearly 25 kids and by Save the Children who had identified the working children and had linked them to a school. To widen the scope of our anti child-labour initiative, Oxford Bookstore, Kolkata in association with Save the Children released bookmarks that appealed to the people of Kolkata to shun child domestic work. The Bookstore also placed a donation box in its premises for 2 months and the money collected was channelized back to Save the Children for furthering their work.