Apeejay Trust has supported with funds the work of the National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH), an organization under the aegis of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Their work with children is focused on instilling an appreciation for communal amity, harmony and non–violence in young ones whose families have been torn by communal violence. This aspect of their work has found resonance with our own internal goals for empowering disadvantaged children.

The sole objective of setting up the Foundation was explained in the Budget speech made by Dr. Manmohan Singh in 1992, who was then the Finance Minister. He maintained that if the interest of riot–affected children is not protected, they will grow up into a disgruntled and disorganized adulthood and "become an easy prey to the propaganda of anti-social elements and the obscurantist fundamentalist forces of reaction." NFCH provides assistance to the children of families affected by communal, caste, ethnic or terrorist violence, especially those children who are orphaned or left destitute in the aftermath of communal disturbances. We are proud to be a part of this noble endeavour.